Conference room nos.1 &2, McKim Hall, Rikkyo University
Chair person:
Chen Tisn-shi
Opening Speech:
Kayoko Ishii

Keynote speech

Rhacel S. Parrenas

gTo be Excluded and Unfree: Revisiting the Partial Citizenship of Migrants in the 21st Centuryh

Profile, Abstract, Presentation Power Point


Hsiao-Chuan Hsia

"Citizenship Issue Faced by the Children of Marriage Migrants in Taiwan"

Profile, Abstract, Presentation Power Point

Hae Yeon Choo

"Contesting the Politics of Containment: Marriage Migrant Women and the Negotiation of Citizenship in South Korea"

Profile, Abstract, Presentation Power Point

Itaru Nagasaka

"Divergent Routes and Partial Citizenship: A Comparative Analysis of Child Migrants with Filipino Backgrounds in Italy and Japanh

Profile,Abstract, Handout

Closing Remarks:
Ruri Ito

Organized by
ILCAA/JSPS Research Project Child Migration in Asia

Supported by
Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Japan Society for Promotion of Science, (JSPS, Grant in A, no. 16H02737)

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